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  • Star whores with princess lay her.

    Submitted by bass80hz on May 6, 13 at 1:56pm
  • Is that just painting a target on their face for the money shot??

    Submitted by olderthanyou on May 6, 13 at 1:58pm
  • Hmmm...A Phantom Fetish? Attack of the Bones? Revenge of the Clit?

    Submitted by missmana55 on May 7, 13 at 8:41am
  • "Sex Trek: The Next Penetration" was a real ST porn parody....

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on May 6, 13 at 9:42pm
  • Let me know if you need someone to run out and buy more tentacles.

    Submitted by Binders_of_Women on May 6, 13 at 9:00pm
  • Could still be a "short" film...

    Submitted by kin_in_in on May 6, 13 at 4:56pm
  • fluffer?

    Submitted by doiou2 on May 6, 13 at 2:21pm
  • I guess Donkey missed the part where OP said "doing makeup for"

    Submitted by sunshine1114 on May 8, 13 at 8:23am
  • Oh yea, your typical "I didn't realize I was in a porno until half way thru" story... That one is SO old.. Like really, you thought you were on a legit movie set? Come on! How dumb do you have to be. Please.. You knew exactly what you were getting yourself into. Or what was going to get into you!

    Submitted by DonkeyLipps on May 7, 13 at 5:21am
    • Peter O'Toole and Sir John Gielgud claim to have been unaware that Caligula was going to depict hardcore sex. If they can get bamboozled, anyone can.

      Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on May 7, 13 at 11:24pm