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  • I don't even know if this makes you less shallow. I'm confused.

    Submitted by dmoney1234 on Jan 30, 13 at 9:34am
  • Either way you're a shallow bitch.

    Submitted by jaystreet_46 on Jan 30, 13 at 10:14am
  • May both of you get the men you deserve.

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Jan 31, 13 at 3:56am
  • I'm surprised they didn't toss in that he better know how to eat box like a porn star and be hung like one too.. I mean it's not like they have high standards. The guy just needs to be hot, have lots of money to buy them shit, have a dick like a horse, and be willing to go down on them whenever they want. I wonder what they have to offer?

    Submitted by DonkeyLipps on Jan 30, 13 at 4:50pm
  • So looks equals shallow and money equals gold digger. To me these qualify as " having normal standards." there is alot of bitter guys commenting on here that haven't got laid in years because they don't have either.. Poor guys 😄

    Submitted by MLOVES_T_F_L_N on Jan 30, 13 at 7:13pm
    • or they have both, and just don't like money grubbing mouth hookers that are only with us for our thick wallets and symmetrical faces.

      Submitted by LemmePhister on Jan 30, 13 at 10:01pm
  • It only disqualifies you from being a shallow, gold digging biatch. Now you're just a shallow biatch.

    Submitted by Fattness84 on Jan 30, 13 at 3:16pm
  • Yes who care if he's a sadistic prick who beats you, so long as he's hot and buys you things, you will "love" him. \n\nStupid

    Submitted by arychuk on Jan 30, 13 at 10:27am
    • the reverse can be said for Rhianna. I like her because she can make hits and take them haha

      Submitted by ck24 on Jan 30, 13 at 4:23pm