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  • In reality, you will pass out by 9am and piss yourself. The children will be right to laugh at you.

    Submitted by Nickly on Feb 7, 12 at 4:39pm
  • Now we know why Eli was so excited to go to Disneyworld after winning the Super Bowl.

    Submitted by jonathan171 on Feb 7, 12 at 10:25pm
  • What the fuck man, Santa is real!

    Submitted by Switch72nd on Mar 3, 12 at 2:40pm
  • Atlanta drunks keeping it classy as always.

    Submitted by deezknight on Feb 7, 12 at 11:18am
  • That's just mean. We're only kids once, let them believe in the magic they see.

    Submitted by mindbender on Feb 7, 12 at 1:32pm
  • Whatever, Disneyland is the shittiest amusement park ever. Id much rather go somewhere with actual roller coasters.

    Submitted by ReesesPoofs on Feb 7, 12 at 10:51am