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  • I totally understand what u mean. That shit was funny!!!!

    Submitted by shadesofblue222 on Oct 2, 11 at 5:09pm
  • Haha. This is why you should never mix Middle Eastern food and buttsex. I mean they do it all the time, but it's not for us.

    Submitted by rudyard_clitring on Oct 2, 11 at 11:35am
  • Wet / Dry Cappuccinos are made with much more foam than lattes; Starbucks standards dictate half milk, half foam. A dry cappuccino has more foam, a wet cappuccino has less. There's a fine line between a very wet cappuccino and an extra-foam latte.

    Submitted by steveblowie on Oct 2, 11 at 12:33pm
  • .....a drink is liquid. It cannot be "dry". It's going to be wet no matter what you do to it. Wtf....

    Submitted by wubbazugg on Oct 2, 11 at 11:59am