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  • There's less cheese and video games at a bar, though. Why not just have yer buddy come over and hang out?

    Submitted by WV_kiwi on Mar 29, 15 at 12:41pm
  • Not much would be different at the bar.

    Submitted by PizdaLvr on Mar 29, 15 at 10:13am
  • Grab a 30 pack with your buddy and play mine craft sounds more fun than a bar. Though, a bar gives you the opportunity to meet people.

    Submitted by Axel5238 on Mar 29, 15 at 11:07pm
  • shit ton of creepers whichever you choose. might as well be comfy at home.

    Submitted by jaybird2k8 on Mar 31, 15 at 2:42am