normally these threads only piss me off cause people take a funny text and ruin it, but ive laughed at least 5 times outloud at 12.45, 12.40,12.39,12.31, 12.29 thank you
why would having a tight vagina matter, your clit isn't in your vagina?? its like 2 inches outside of you think being tight means your vagina forms a vortex that sucks objects close to it inside of it?
there are girls with huge clits? thats fucking creepy, my girlfriends is like the size of a small pea, i didnt know some girls clits looked like little dicks??
Hey, very little emphasis was put on the importance of the clitoris in education for a very long time.. Because of that a lot of guys don't know how to use it. Education never hurts!
Explain it to him and do the rest of the girls in the world a favor! Too few guys understand th power and importance of the clitoris, and just how to work it properly.
5:25 are you a guy? Did I hurt your feelings? Seriously though all guys need so much help on how to properly please a woman then they get good but they always need a chick to help them out
LOL 12:45. But yeah, my clit is like pea sized, and sometimes you have to teach a guy how to use it, maybe because I'm a teenager, but if you don't say what you want occasionally they can get a little rough with it, and that killsss.
To the OP, just tell him what to do, that way you get exactly what you want
srsly, if he knows what it is he doesn't ask, and if he doesn't know what it is ODDS ARE HE ISN'T EVEN GOING TO NOTICE IT to ask. you people are retarded.
I was BSing with a few of my friends a while ago. He and she were college sophomores, and I (male) was a freshman. It turned out that he had no idea about the clit. The look on her face when he said "what are you talking about" was hilarious. IDK is she was serious or if she was trying to make him feel better when she said that he wasn't alone, but it still proves that a lot of guys don't know what they are doing. I guess that's why women get addicted to me once we've slept together.
12:30, have you ever tried looking at your genitals in a mirror? There's not too much to see down there except for the labia and the clitoris, it's not that the clitoris is huge, it's just that there really isn't much else to confuse it with.
that's sad. you should have looked at his dick with a disgusted look on your face, asked what that is, then started crying and ran out of the room... teach him a lesson!
Dear lord please help out whoever this boy Is and explain to him a clit is not a thingy but an important and vital part of sexual arrousal in females. And I'm with^^ this has to be fake, if your old enough to fuck you shud know what a clit is.
12:35/12:49...nah...tightness has little to do with anything else...had one ex with a huge prominent labia...i couldn't even get 2 fingers in her...then me last ex, small labia, small hidden clit, but also fairly tight...but yeah, most "normal" clits are tiny, like smaller then the finger tip of your pinky
you can see the fucking clit, moron.
it's the g-spot that is supposedly mythical.
are you really that dumb? i mean, really?
because if the clit doesn't exist, NEITHER DOES THE PENIS! they're the same exact nerve endings, one's just a LOT smaller.
12:35, i think 12:30 probably has one of those cute tiny clits, and you are confused because you have one of those "small penis" clits that makes guys think of newborn baby boys when they fuck you
there is no such thing as a clit, its a mythical being invented by women in a poor attempt to make men feel stupid. If god wanted sex to be enjoyable for women he would have made them that way.
I'm 4:55, I was in no way denying that I was 12:49, I did my best to make that apparent in my first sentence, so the fact that it took you a paragraph and a half really proves your deductive skills. Good for you.
anyone who thinks a clit is not real or doesn't do anything is the biggest loser ever who hasn't EVER had a girlfriend. clits are basically the supposed-be-penises if the girl had been a guy. that's why they're sensitive and actually CAN be stimulated. retards.
well 12:26 #1 and 12:22 and 12:23 are humorless individuals who wouldn't understand sarcasm if it were explained to them in a diagram drawn with crayons by a big purple singing dinosaur.
this would be the song.
"Sarcasm doesn't mean what is being said, if you don't get that then your retarded"
5:54, how did you do your best "to make that apparent in the 1st sentence" when you referred to yourself in the 3rd person? why did you say "12:54 probably gets laid more than you all..." if you were 12:54? how did you make it obvious?
LOL, this is like sex and the city. I agree with 5:05, males don't have much idea what to do in bed the first few times so I can see why they never know where the clit is
12:32 thats because you are a woman and can't grasp the concept of sarcasm, like you don't get the difference between acting like a bitch and being a bitch
12:49 gets laid on a more regular basis than you do, most probably.
Also, sex is variable--some girls are born with large clits, some boys are born with small penises, that's not a bad thing, it is "normal", but some people feel the need to ridicule anything that isn't considered perfectly sexually desirable because of their own insecurities. That's not my problem. Guys really seem to fucking like my body.
I am convinced that if more men knew where the clitoris is/what it does/how to utilize it to the fullest of its potential, the world would be a better place for everyone.
The clit does not exist. It is just a fabrication of women to provide them with something else to bitch about that men supposedly don't ever pay enough attention to. Feelings, needs, clit...
6:30 agreed.
also if you wanna laugh look at that pro wrestler chyna doll's clit. she's on so many steroids it really is a tiny little penis. google image.
no guy over the age of 14 would actually something as stupid as that....they would just fake it til they make it...Unless you are talking to your 5 yr old brother
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