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  • Instead of praying to God, why don't you take responsibility for your actions and use birth control **and** make him wear a condom? Or you could date the guy from AC 586 who plans on drinking so much he won't be able to get it up.

    Submitted by NuckinFuts on Feb 4, 14 at 9:38am
  • And people wonder why I said this site was a never ending pool for the show intervention. Here's your sign.

    Submitted by Axel5238 on Feb 5, 14 at 2:30am
  • ^^ that person is an asshole. Must have daddy issues!!!!!

    Submitted by PHD1026 on Feb 4, 14 at 2:50pm
  • Why do people comment on these lol

    Submitted by hjoylev on Sep 21, 15 at 8:04pm