3:58 - People from New England know how to spell, unlike you, LOSER. (embarassingggg <---- THAT is embarassing)
You only hate New England because you would never fit in.
9:29... keene state equals all the kids that couldn;t get into plymouth state.
here is what is required for the UNH system, in order from highest (not saying much there) to lowest
UNH = did you have average grades in high school?
Plymouth state = did you graduate high school?
Keene state = do you have a pulse?
i went with a huge group of friends to prom. going single=being able to dance with pretty much every guy there and not having a date clinging to your arm
New England is a beautiful area of the country with a diversity of things to do, landscapes, and topologies. And it's the most socially progressive region of the country. Sorry, Cali; you pulled your own cards with that Prop 8 bullshit.
hahahaha so 30 of you couldnt get dates? thats embarassingggg, you shouldn't admit to that.
thank fucking godddd i don't live in new england. you guys are "WICKED" annoying.
Rhode Islanders say wicked...And stop trying to guess which college. There are so many Universities in New England to chose from that the chances of you guessing them are slim. So stop trying. I go to a school in the 315 with both 203ers and 603ers. They could be going to a mass, Vermont, New York, Rhode Island, Maine, or maybe another school outside of the northeast...end of annoyed rant.
203...haha...love living here.@ 3:11 -- I could see how going to prom all single and not as couple's could be fun. And 2:30 and 3:58... you can burn. New England is the best place in the country.
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