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  • I'm betting there was a dog involved.

    Submitted by smumoi on Jul 8, 12 at 3:22pm
    • I was thinking drunk prank on the first to pass out gone wrong....why jump to beastiality? Lol

      Submitted by GA_Peach on Jul 9, 12 at 6:57am
      • there is an old joke about putting peanut butter on your genitals and having a dog lick it off. All you have to do is say "I've got Peeanuuut buutter!" in the right tone of voice and everyone will know exactly what you are saying.

        Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jul 10, 12 at 4:17am
        • The joke is told in the first person and starts out, "I walked in on my girlfriend/boyfriend and you will never guess what they were doing with my poor dog."

          Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jul 10, 12 at 4:19am
          • Thank you for explaining lol, I knew that I just choose to ignore such animal abuse. I've personally walked in on a grody whore letting her great dane fuck her. She said "fucking knock and don't judge his is bigger than my husbands, girls got needs." I vomited and never talked to them again. Ugh, so any beastiality reference makes me insanely nauseous.

            Submitted by GA_Peach on Jul 10, 12 at 6:45am
  • Who likes the Jiffy? Who likes the Jiffy peanut butter?

    Submitted by kaylahalsey on Jul 8, 12 at 6:17pm
  • Is it bad I'm morbidly curious as to what the context to this is?

    Submitted by raining_muffins on Jul 8, 12 at 2:44pm
    • I think peach has it right though, hazing, how often do you threaten people who have touched your balls not to do it again?

      Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jul 10, 12 at 4:23am
  • Don't complain, you got ball action!

    Submitted by cfreymarc on Jul 9, 12 at 2:35am
  • New pet name?

    Submitted by grizzlewhisker on Jul 8, 12 at 5:49pm