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  • Poll: vote up if you've watched porn. Vote down if you dislike porn.

    Submitted by GA_Peach on May 11, 12 at 2:58pm
    • What kind of wierdo freak dislikes porn?

      Submitted by Problywasme on May 11, 12 at 3:46pm
      • Tafreakingda! This peach! It isn't degrading or offensive. I just don't like crack skinny girls.

        Submitted by GA_Peach on May 11, 12 at 3:47pm
        • I'm sure there is fatty porn to make you feel at home

          Submitted by 08GSXR600 on May 11, 12 at 4:50pm
          • Uh huh because all men want a crack whore skinny woman...proportional curves are sexy. But I wouldn't like that porn either....I'm not a voyeur I guess.

            Submitted by GA_Peach on May 12, 12 at 6:33am
    • I think miss Georgia Peach just wanted to be liked for once. There was no reason for this "poll"

      Submitted by SSmackk on May 11, 12 at 4:57pm
      • Nope I was curious. I could care less about people I don't know arbitrarily liking or disliking what I have to say. Don't like it, oh well, you didn't have to read it.

        Submitted by GA_Peach on May 12, 12 at 6:36am
        • what will happen if random people don't like you on the internet?!?!?!?! I shudder to think what will happen...

          Submitted by puffandorstuff on May 12, 12 at 11:03pm
          • that was harsh of me, overall harmony between people is pretty sweet

            Submitted by puffandorstuff on May 12, 12 at 11:44pm
            • Lol, it bothers me when it's unnecessarily vulgar and the goddamn cowards boil my blood sometimes. Then I smoke a bowl and giggle at the absurd lengths strangers will go to be assholes to other strangers. World goes round and all that good stuff.

              Submitted by GA_Peach on May 13, 12 at 3:31am
  • #firstworldproblems

    Submitted by wayfarer4life on May 11, 12 at 4:37pm
  • I don't get the whole "share'' function on porn sites anyway, so you're surfing and jerking and all of a sudden you think "you know who would love this, my Facebook friends" I mean we all look at porn just don't be that in your face about it.

    Submitted by kushkong420 on May 11, 12 at 4:46pm
  • Simple solution, sign out of facebook before you surf porn.

    Submitted by bbad on May 11, 12 at 9:24pm
  • That has to be my second worst fear, after accidentally clicking on the g ay section.

    Submitted by dmoney1234 on May 11, 12 at 2:42pm
  • Also I'm a Mrs. Peach thank you very much.

    Submitted by GA_Peach on May 12, 12 at 6:43pm
  • What does it do? I'm at school otherwise I'd look.

    Submitted by SserPrun95 on May 11, 12 at 3:39pm
  • Well you can't share it to facebook anyways. There's no button and facebook won't even let you send links if they are "pornographic". So unless you have numerous twitter followers, you're set.

    Submitted by nochedetoro on May 12, 12 at 7:07pm