if you don't open the door right now liz is going to get pregnant
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actually the sender of this text fucked up. this text was from liz's boyfriend texting his room mate who's area code is 774 asking him to open the door to the apartment. I win.
Hey Liz, what's up? Shot in the dark, but do you wanna go out some time?
if this was from my area code, this could soo apply to me last night
although there is the UNLIKELY possibility, that the texter is the one with Liz ;)
liz is his girlfriend. he needed condoms.....i'm guessing.
if that was my boyfriend's area code... sooo many people would be texting me right now... I'm a Liz. ha.
Oh man, my name is Liz and my boyfriend's area code is 774. I actually had to think about this one for a second...
Sounds like someone switched the birth control for flintstone vitamins and had second thoughts huh?
Bet that door opened real fast...
I've never met a Liz that wasn't a totally bitch
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