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  • Just a heads-up, they don't test for herpes unless you have actual symptoms.

    Submitted by lstar on May 23, 11 at 6:46pm
  • This must be a mistake, an OP on TFLN who learns from their mistakes?

    Submitted by Phys on May 23, 11 at 4:34pm
  • You can get cold sores from a blow job, or cunnilingus. That will scare most people straight. It is herpes, just not the feared genital herpes.

    Submitted by EMTPirate on May 23, 11 at 5:58pm
    • why use the technical term for cunnilingus but not for fellatio?

      Submitted by natbomb on Jan 7, 12 at 8:09pm
  • no, she only carefully puts herself at risk of herpes :)

    Submitted by wharfrat70 on May 23, 11 at 5:36pm
  • Intentionally, yes. But carelessly, never.

    Submitted by haliganbar on May 24, 11 at 12:41pm
  • Now she spreads them, thus not stopping them.

    Submitted by Michguy on May 23, 11 at 5:59pm