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  • Never expect anything more from a stripper. They're there to make money not there to go hone with you.

    Submitted by StripperBot on May 8, 11 at 4:28pm
    • Talk to them find out who is in college, and not on meth. Find common ground and talk. Works better with a group of friends. Let her leave to make money as you aren't buying. And if she comes back you are a go. Be polite and treat her like a person. Ask before touching.

      Submitted by EMTPirate on May 10, 11 at 1:32am
      • Wow. A reasonable, respectful suggestion of how to get into a girl's pants, that has a chance of actually working. I'm impressed. How is this on TFLN?

        Submitted by opalquean on May 10, 11 at 2:59am
  • Thats why you should always shop around for the best price

    Submitted by Vulpus on May 9, 11 at 9:35am
    • If you're going to "shop around", don't go to a strip club. Discount strip clubs don't exist.

      Submitted by StripperBot on May 9, 11 at 11:21am
  • Fool.

    Submitted by Michguy on May 8, 11 at 5:24pm
  • Look at it from her perspective; why would she stop taking your money?

    Submitted by nonphotoblue on May 10, 11 at 2:10pm
  • Ur an idiot .my girlfriends are strippers. boobs, coach purses, jewelry. They get it all from there customers.

    Submitted by KELSiii on May 8, 11 at 9:40pm
  • If you paid her $400 you might have gotten a bj.

    Submitted by haliganbar on May 9, 11 at 10:25am
  • Prostitution... You're doing it wrong!!

    Submitted by enormoustard on May 9, 11 at 2:47am
  • Newb

    Submitted by captainC on May 8, 11 at 7:43pm
  • You are pathetic. First time is no excuse for being a huge chode. I bet she is still laughing at your goofy ass

    Submitted by BondDaddy on May 8, 11 at 2:57pm
  • you need a real hug:(

    Submitted by distinkt on May 11, 11 at 2:53am
  • Nice one, Holden Caulfield.

    Submitted by Pancakefield on Dec 5, 11 at 10:12pm
  • haha dude you need to step up your game and not be such a douche

    Submitted by 209infidel on May 9, 11 at 7:40pm
  • Clearly he was talking about claiming "first".. You may not be bright but at least your username doesn't suck.. Oh wait

    Submitted by JWynn57 on May 8, 11 at 3:12pm
  • First. First time I ever did this so don't hate.

    Submitted by Connor1134 on May 8, 11 at 2:22pm