The guy who took my order at mcdonalds asked for my number. I think we should start fucking fast food employees, they're easy and think we're goddesses.
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I'm lovin' it!
Lol. Too bad they're not from the BK Lounge so that they can "Have it their way."
Take a look in the mirror. I think the whole reason they asked for your numbers is that you look easy.
And you'll get to sample his mcnuggets...
hurray for lowered expectations
We all need that easy lay at times.
Sure beats McChoking your McChicken
why would you take the chance of getting knocked-up by someone who makes minimum wage?
It's easy to make jokes guys but he has real ambition, I hear that he's moving up to fry boy next week!
And we know it. Lovin it.
I just appllied at mcdonalds. I applied under the name mclovin
Damn little Dexter. You are one desperate loser.
get it where you can. you can find good strange in the most random places. could be a great girl booty call. this shit isn't only for people with balls ya know
U want to do me?? ;-)
That's so tru
Trust me you'll get free food! :3
That's orange county for you.
I work at McDonald's, do me! I'll give you free food is return.
Does this work for girls who work there too?
God no, we actually all hate men that try to hit on us.
Why would we hit on you? You smell like frialator oil.
hahaha southern orane county
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