dude just did a line with screech. dude is fucking creepy
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If you are talking about the real Dustin diamond, he really is a weird fuck.
Has everyone forgotten that this past weekend was Halloween? That's the holiday where everyone dresses up in costumes...like maybe a Screech costume?
Dustin Diamond is a fucking creepy guy.. WTF dresses like him for Halloween?
Well all I remember is there's no hope with dope he never said anything bout coke!
Screech doesn't do drugs fool
Who gives a fucc about screech? Dead or alive he still sucks donkey dicc!
Btw, R.I.P. Brandon Tartikoff.
LMFAO @ No hope with dope. "would I use drugs? In a word, nope!"
kid, screech lives in wisconsin, obviously it wasn't him because he's bankrupt and there's no way he could afford to fly down there.
Screech died, dumb fucks.
No he didn't dumbass
You're a fucking moron.
Once again, he lives in wisconsin, he's not dead. he lives like a mile from my friends house.
My friend slept with him.....so creepy!
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