is the shake weight an appropriate valentine's day present?
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Girls shouldn't even be giving handjobs after high school...that's what mouths/vaginas are for
In soviet Russia, blow jobs are appropriate valentines day presents
stripaerobics is a better present. my girl got hot and now she loves to strip 4 me
Fuck yes it helps the hand job skills
Is the shake weight the exercising device that helps girls practice giving handjobs. She might not like it for valentine's day, but every girl needs this.
Hell yea!!!
5:08 You're what is wrong with the world. I bet you're fat as fuck.
Ha ha! I would do it,fat people disgust me
hahaha wtf
Yes it is
Every girl needs to know that they are terrible at giving hand jobs. No matter what your pathetic bf tells you, you're bad at it.
Only if she needs it ....then u should get a new girl lol
Dumb fucks, Steak and BJ Day is on March 14tg, it's the male version.
That's fucked up bro
Haha fat people in Seattle!
Yup! It shows how you care about that persons health.
hahaaa go fuck yourself 9:39
Only in Kent!
Uhm no. Asswipe
Oh Seattle ... My college home. how I loathe thee
I like ur thinking 3:04
Not really cause you're implying that your girl has flabby arms, or that she gives bad handjobs. Either way it's not what they want to hear.
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