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  • Dafux your problem gabraham? OP shouldn't be allowed to reproduce because of that? The world would be a much better place without ignorant people such as yourself reproducing and teaching their kids to be judgmental POS. gtfo this site.

    Submitted by itsjustme16 on May 3, 14 at 6:00pm
    • someone is a programmed liberal lol

      Submitted by PolarisDTA on May 3, 14 at 9:20pm
    • anyone who sees a fucking mystery pill on the ground and their first thought is " hmm let me see what this is" is a complete dumbass

      Submitted by gabraham on May 4, 14 at 1:54am
      • A mystery pill in yer own home is much less of a mystery than one found elsewhere.

        Submitted by WV_kiwi on May 4, 14 at 3:31am
        • @ itsjustme16, Welfare queen cunt how about you go take the next mystery pill you find on the sidewalk. Heres to hoping it sterilizes your ass haha.. Liberal pig,I bet you pray to Obama for your birth control

          Submitted by ck24 on May 4, 14 at 5:31pm
  • There was a case in the 80's of someone randomly laying cyanide pills across a campus. After a few deaths, shit hit the fan.

    Submitted by cfreymarc on May 4, 14 at 12:14am
  • lets pray that combination of mystery pill and menstruation destroys your ovaries. please don't reproduce

    Submitted by gabraham on May 3, 14 at 1:39pm
  • @ck24 hahaha hey jackass I'm a guy first off. Secondly I voted for Romney and fucking hate Obama. I think it's messed up that someone thinks OP shouldn't be allowed to reproduce over their choice to take something random, and that makes me a liberal? You are all retarded.

    Submitted by itsjustme16 on May 4, 14 at 9:18pm