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  • Hell yes 950.., I'm glad someone here has a brain and to the 25 year old... WOW embarassing

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 10:06pm
  • 10:06 - why is it embarrassing for a 25 yr old to find a 23 yr old celebrity attractive?? I believe I even specified that I DIDN'T buy into the whole sparkly vampire nonsense. I just think he's hot.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 11:18pm
  • yeah hes def hot shit ive had a thing for him since he was in harry potter

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 5:30pm
  • really? hes ass ugly

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 1:02pm
  • This bitch must be fat!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 2:13pm
  • eh he does nothing for me, he is only cute in twilight, in random pics not so much, his hair always looks crazy and greasy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 9:48pm
  • they should have an age minimum in order to post on hear. I'm sick of hearing from preteens who haven't even had their period yet

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 6:47pm
  • That dude is nasty .

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 2:41pm
  • I would bang him endlessly. That man is sexy as hell. Though I'd prefer him as himself and not glittering - I like my men a little scruffy ;) p.s. I'm most definitely not 13.... nearly twice that. Call me pathetic if you want, but he's quite yummy.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 9:41pm
  • Wow you are all pathetic for arguing about this... who cares what other people think! its their own opinion. you can think what you want that doesn't mean others are wrong bc they don't agree!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 4:29pm
  • ok he's an amazingly well rounded guy he's very good looking he writes and plays music he also sings and acts and how the hell do u know wat he smells like

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 29, 09 at 12:35am
  • are all of you lesbians??? he is fucking hot!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 3:50pm
  • matt lanter is cute where rob pattinson is hot it's called diff of opinion

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28, 09 at 12:44am
  • 6:22 - I couldn't wait... I'd do him in the shower.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 6:33pm
  • yummy with or without the glitter

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 1, 09 at 1:22pm
  • 2:06 - maybe you should do some research before you make an ass out of yourself. He's been playing instruments for several years and has written/co-written music. I also think he has an awesome singing voice, but I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. I don't like generic sounding pop stuff, so if you're a big fan of Britney Spears and the like... then you probably don't think he is talented, but I also don't really care about your opinion if that is the case.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28, 09 at 9:36pm
  • Really? The glitter effect sucked on him!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 1:01pm
  • what a crock shit. you're all just saying you wouldn't do him and he looks rank because you don't want to sound like everyone else. well he's the fucking plague. and everyones got it. so quit trying to fool yourself into thinking you don't want to fuck him cause you do. and you can't deny his good looks.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 7:38pm
  • I don't blame u.... But he would also have to be able to bite

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 1:48pm
  • ew how could you ever want to fuck hes disgusting

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 1:08pm
  • I think he has some paranoia. He has a very distant look. An unhealthy distant look.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28, 09 at 4:03am
  • ew. Rob Pattinson is ugly as hell. and sparkling; GAYYYY.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 3:05pm
  • I agree! He DOES look like a foot. It's kind of ridiculous. Robert Footfaceson. Go cry little kids. Get upset.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28, 09 at 7:20am
  • Ps if you don't know NuttyMadam3575, go search her on Youtube... if you want to laugh at some pathetic chick rant and rave about Twilight, perfect place for you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 2:57pm
  • he is not hot and not only does he look like he smells like feet but his face looks like a foot wanna see a hot guy you should look up matt lanter he is the definition of hot onlinke rob who is the definition of disgusting

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28, 09 at 12:04am
  • He is hot but he looks like he smells like feet, I would do him if he showered first

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 6:22pm
  • he's fully capable of biting, glittery or not.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 1:53pm
  • oh god no. go for taylor.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28, 09 at 2:03am
  • rob is way hot, just not really in the movie (which ugh, did kinda suck) and def not all glittery. but like photoshoots, very yummy indeed. and that accent... mmmmmm....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 29, 09 at 10:45am
  • 738 or we actually have a thing called taste and aren't 13... Sorry the homeless look isn't hottttt like you little kids like to say. Just cuz you shop at Hot Topic doesn't mean everone does. Glad girls like you go after these trash bags. Leaves more hot men for me

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 7:52pm
  • Agreed, 10:45. I feel like they made him LESS attractive in the movie! He's way hotter in real life/photo shoots... but the accent is the best part ;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 29, 09 at 11:23am
  • I love what 13 yr old girls find as hot. Wait until they are adultsvthen want to shoot themselves for saying they would fuck a cokehead grungy looking scumbag.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 6:45pm
  • Nuttymadam3575? ... Yes. It's very sad you thought this. Rob Pattinson = an ugly ass fuck, both in and out of the movie.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 2:53pm
  • Rob is very attractive but beyond that, everyone he works with says he 's very laid back and not hard to work with. He's musically talented which is a bonus in my book. I am not a teenager, I am married, but I think it's perfectly fine to have a crush on a celeb. Not like I'll ever meet him. But if I did.......I would probably drool a bit ; )

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28, 09 at 1:23am
  • It is sad. Kill yourself now.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 2:29pm
  • talented musically? doubtful. he had other REAL musicians write the songs and spend weeks teaching him to play.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28, 09 at 2:06pm
  • Kristen stewart is not hot; she's not hideous but by no means is she attractive.. Ehh na she's fugly.

    Submitted by i69b on Apr 10, 10 at 6:18am
  • Twilight sucks. And I'm not fat. I'm happily married to a guy that's hot as fuck and doesn't sparkle. He doesn't need to be Edward the stalker or Jacob the pedophile.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 9:50pm
  • lol @ 6:22...he does look like he smells like feet.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 7:04pm
  • Whoever this Matt Lanter is, he just looks like every other generic hollywood pretty boy -- not what I go for. I like Rob Pattinson because I don't think I've ever seen anyone who looks anything like him. He's different in a very sexy way :) Plus, he brings more to the table than just a pretty face -- he's quite talented musically and he seems to have a great sense of humor. I'd totally fuck him, but I'd be happy just to grab a few drinks with him and pick his brain.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28, 09 at 11:35am
  • 4:03 - if you had hordes of insane screaming teenage girls running after you 24/7, you'd probably have some paranoia issues as well...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28, 09 at 11:32am
  • girls who think he is hot obviously have never seen Jensen Ackles on THAT is hot!!!! And LOLOL to the person who says Rob looks like he smells like true

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 8:28pm
  • i saw him in NYC the other day by my dr office...hes quite average looking. Kristen Stewat on the other hand a 23 year old female and I'd fuck her. Shes a horrid talentless actress but the awkwardness makes her hott as hell.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28, 09 at 7:14pm
  • I'm with 3:50, he is very attractive! The people hating must be fat and ugly and illiterate. Above all else you must be jealous.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 5:13pm
  • Admitting it to yourself is the first step.

    Submitted by courtchronic on Feb 29, 12 at 1:48am