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  • They're completely necessary. You don't want any grey areas when it comes to DNR orders.

    Submitted by security24 on Sep 16, 12 at 5:50pm
  • The last 3 words of this text couldn't be more unnecessary

    Submitted by UrLegsR_EarMuffs on Sep 16, 12 at 2:44pm
  • DNR=do not resuscitate. It means you don't want extraordinary measures taken to save your life if your heart stops. It can also include using machines to keep you alive.

    Submitted by security24 on Sep 17, 12 at 11:44pm
  • What is a dnr?

    Submitted by G2LMG2D on Sep 17, 12 at 11:13pm
  • It's not really a DNR because you were never techniquely dead.. You just had your face ripped off and eaten. You have to die on life support for a DNR to take affect. Then they don't bring you back. You just stay dead

    Submitted by DonkeyLipps on Sep 17, 12 at 2:17am
  • the man in Miami who are other guys face was found to only have marijuana in his system at the time of death... knowledge is power. also, I would have to concur, no face = dnr

    Submitted by MzKitty08 on Sep 17, 12 at 12:41am
  • people are idiots when it cones to drugs especially bath salts. one psychotic idiotic goes nuts on them and suddenly anyone who's on any upper is a cannibal

    Submitted by ssjx7squall on Sep 16, 12 at 7:41pm