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  • Someone explain please.

    Submitted by finalflash08 on Jun 30, 12 at 6:38pm
  • I don't get it either but a bunch of people thought it was a good night.

    Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jun 30, 12 at 7:42pm
  • Not an 8 or 9, but not a 4, = somewhere in the middle.

    Submitted by bhinks on Jul 1, 12 at 2:22am
  • Never wake up well? As in their more easily drugged? Or they just don't look well in the morning?

    Submitted by Authiel on Jul 1, 12 at 2:48am
  • No, he is talking about cumming on a girl, dont know if he means in the middle of the V and A of on her stomach. Either way those girls wouldnt wake up well

    Submitted by anklenut86 on Jul 4, 12 at 11:20pm