Your fuck buddy's prolly laughing with his friends about you!! Seeing as tho he gets to call you over and shoot loads in your face whenever the mood suits him.. Silly broad
Wow. Totally sounds like what a gentleman would do. Maybe you should be happy that you found a friend who just doesn't want in your pants? FYL for being a whore. \n\nBtw this totally sounds like my female friend and mine's relationship. She sleeps around, but I always take her out. I just like being nice and paying for her stuff.
This chick is a shameless, using, waste of air and there is no excuse for what she does. She will get hers. Preferably in the form of recurring sores on her genitals. BUT I have to say this is really the guy's fault. Can't let women walk on you like that, have a little self respect.
I have no problem with girls enjoying sex as much as men. But I'll never understand why girls feel it's ok to be cruel to guys, when we bear so much weight of asking a girl out and even spending money on a date. It's unfortunate that girls don't understand how much rejection like that hurts. And they wonder why guys just say screw relationships and bang as many women as possible without spending a dime on a girl. Shrug
Oh please. Lots of people have fuckbuddies and that doesn't make them whores. However, this girl is a bitch for ditching her date and then laughing at him after he accepted her for what she is and STILL paid for her date. What a cunt.
She's not a whore if she tried making it clear to this dude she just wanted a friendship and he just didn't get the hint...women can go out with a guy and it doesn't have to be serious fuck off assholes
So the girl's a whore because she likes to fuck. I'm a dude and I like to fuck and that makes me normal. Don't feel too bad, I'm sure these guys are calling you a whore only because NOBODY WANTS TO FUCK THEM. Don't lead the guy on, it's vulgar, but don't put too much stock into what a bunch of limp-dick assholes have to say either.
Honestly I agree with you, but she seems to be conscience of the fact that she is leading him on, but doesn't give a fuck about it. Thats what seriously pisses me off.
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